About a two months ago, I was taking care of both Yeshua and another little boy. I was taking both kids upstairs because we had been playing outside and the little boy's knees and feet where dirty. 'This will be quick.' I thought. So as I reached the top of the stairs, I put Yeshua on the floor and escorted the little boy to the bathroom and towards the tub. 'Put your legs in buddy,' I said. And I began to wash his legs and feet. I suddenly wondered why it was so quiet. Why Yeshua had not complained that he wasn't being held, and why he hadn't come to to tug on my shirt. And then it hit me. I suddenly felt all the blood in my body rush to my head and my stomach churn. Now, as you know, if you have stairs in your home it would probably be your worst nightmare to se your kid tumbling down. But Hubby and I had covered that. We had gates both at the top and bottom of the stairs and the one at the top closed automatically. Unless of course it was propped open...which we often did...which is how I found it when I was hysterically looking for Yeshua that day. As my eyes saw the opened gate, I knew he was on his way down. And sure enough he was on the fourth step going down carefully. I freaked out and as he heard me he looked back, missed the step with his little hands, and began to tumble! I let out the most horrific scream and as he landed on the turn of the stairs (only 2) he began to cry his little head off. I rushed down and picked him up checking every single little nook and cranny on his body. I cried and said sorry a gazillion times and by the time I looked at him again, he was already all smiles.
I was fortunate. But many people loose their little babies just like that. I can't imagine what that parent has gone through. And I NEVER wanted to experience that feeling of helplessness again.
So I decided to teach him the proper way to go up and down the stairs... Life is unpredictable and you never know when there will be an emergency, or when someone will accidentally leave a gate open as I did. It's so important for our toddlers to know what to do.
I started with him going down stairs cause I knew it would probably be the harder of the two to learn. I sat him down at the top and demonstrated how to go down backwards. Within five minutes he followed suite. Since then, almost every morning as we are going down for breakfast he will squirm until I let him go down the stairs on his own. I never leave his side...I'm always spotting him...and he has yet to take another tumble. He's enjoys it. So much so that he flattens his body out and slides belly down like a little seal!
Of course going up is a favorite too. That one he learned on his own.
If you decide that teaching your child to go up and down the stairs is important to you, then PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD UNATTENDED! Yeshua goes up and down very well, but it doesn't mean he can do it alone. He could still take a tumble, slip, fall back, and get very hurt. We still double check the gates and make sure that someone is there right behind him when he is going up or down. We taught him this in case of an EMERGENCY. So please do not rely on this to allow your child to be alone on the stairs. There is still great danger!
I am ever grateful that he was ok. It was that experience that made me want to teach him and I'm glad I did. I would encourage you to do the same if you have an able toddler (or an older crawling infant) and have stairs in your home or frequent a place that has stairs.
This ability could save your child's life.
If you try and your child continues to go down head first, continue to show them daily until they understand or discontinue lessons for a few weeks and try again.
Our next feat is swimming and survival if he ever fell in water. I'll be sure to post how those go!
Sending much love!