Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wasted Talents

The other day I was talking to a dear friend. We were having an interesting conversation about life in general. At one point they asked me, "Are you still singing?",  I answered, "No. I'm more into things I can do from home now." "What a waste of talent.", they chuckled to themselves. I stayed quiet and thought, "I'm not singing right now, but I'm raising a world changer."

One of the hardest transitions for me as a new mom was not being able to do the things I was doing before I became pregnant and had Yeshua. I remember calling up my mentors and weeping because I would see all these young women with energy and passion pursuing their hearts desire, reaching the world for Jesus, and I was at home changing dirty diapers, cleaning, and nursing around the clock. I was so desperate to revive the last season that I was in, that I struggled and strived to be where I had once been. At one point, I volunteered to give night classes, help out in women's ministry, teach a children's class, work part time...all while taking care of Yeshua, keeping house, and cooking three meals a day! As you can imagine, I had a serious break down. Both emotionally and physically. I was so frustrated and angry to be doing "less than my best". And to be perfectly transparent and real...I was really beginning to despise motherhood. It wasn't until I attended an event called Catalyst One Day that I heard Andy Stanley say, "Your greatest contribution to the church may not be something you do but someone you raise." I was in complete shock and yet at the same time a feeling of hope rushed over me. At that moment I resolved to enjoy being a mom and make the best of what God had placed in my hand for this specific season!
The "happy" feelings of motherhood didn't come right away. They came gradually as I prayed daily and asked God to give me a divine passion and to show me how this new season could bless His heart. I asked him to reveal to me exactly what was placed in my hands so that I could advance His kingdom from where I was. It was then that I started to get in to cooking. I had never even liked cooking. I did it cause I had to. So I know it was God who placed that desire inside of me.
Not only did I have a new aprecciation for cooking but for health which is also something that I could've cared less about; passion for healthy cooking rose up inside of me. Today I love to make meals for my family and see their faces as they savor my hard work. Knowing that it is healthy for them makes it even more worth while. To hear Yeshua say "Yummy!" and see him nod his head up in down in aproval truly lets me know that I am exactly where I need to be.
Besides the healthy cooking God began to show me different ways to enjoy the 4am feedings (which turned into one of the most looked forward moments of my day/night), the 20 min naps, small colds, even the cleaning! If it's one thing I LOVE it's finding alternitive ways of doing things. So vinegar, baking soda, borax powder, Dr.Bronner's Castile Soap, lemons, tea tree oil, have all become best friends of mine in getting the house tidy. For the small colds, I have been shown ways to eliminate over the counter meds to naturally treat all sorts of ailments and infections. I even cured my husbands ear infection with garlic oil and breast milk! Ha! Of course he had no idea what I was putting in his ear until after it was in there. Haha! He was grateful the next day as he found he was cured!
It has been a long journey in my short time as a mom. I can say that I am a better person today than I was a year and some months ago. My relationship with Jesus is at new heights as I have had to trust him more with my heart and will than I ever have before. I am so grateful for this season of my life now that I am unsure I have enough words to describe the gratefulness and transformation that has occurred. Everyday He continues to amaze me with new ideas, new passions, and an even greater desire to seek Him and love Him more today than yesterday!
The words of my friend were not meant for harm but of observation. Of a season once lived that is no longer productive or even blessed (I dare say) for this time in my life. It also comes from a lack of celebration of stay at home moms (SAHM) and their life changing rolls in the kingdom. If you are a SAHM and have ever felt less than for it...be assured that your role is essential for His desires on this earth. Without out you God's light would fade. His purpose for spreading the name of His son around the world would cease. YOU are raising missionaries, pastors, teachers, worship leaders, writers, buisness men and women who will passionately pursue Jesus and win the lost for His names sake! 


I don't know where you are in your journey as mother, wife, singlehood...wherever you are, God is more than capable of changing your heart to enjoy THIS season of your life! To make it so good in fact, that the season you were once in will become a blur, a moment once lived hardly reaching the glorious moments you are living in today. That when someone asks you if you are operating in what was once your season, you can stand confidently in what God is doing with your life TODAY!

I once heard someone say, "You make time for what you honor." What great wisdom! So, if you read, or you don't read (yet) ;) I want to recommend a book that really helped me along this journey of loving my today:

"The Resolution for Women" By: Priscilla Shirer  

This book was a HUGE part of my journey in loving motherhood and my today. And just for the record I was not paid to say that, nor was I given a free copy. I bought this book and it was well worth it! 
I hope this helps you know that you aren't alone! That God can make your today and tomorrow more amazing than your yesterday! That new passions and desires can arise. That God can use you right where you are with what has been placed in your hands! You are a world changer! Love you! 
