Saturday, January 18, 2014

Her Name is "Amber"...

This one is for all of you mamma's and soon to be mamma's out there. This post could save your life! Ok, I'm being a tad bit dramatic. BUT, it can save you from a couple sleepless nights, fits of crying, and a drewling hurting unhappy baby!

About a month or two ago, Yeshua was having a couple of off nights. Scratch that...weeks.  He was waking up every couple hours to nurse and pretty much just cry. I was so frustrated and couldn't quite put my finger on why he was so off on his schedule. So I called my friend Mercy (Yes...that is what we call her. And is ironic.)  and she asked me if he was teething. "I have no clue.." Was my reply. She recommended something that I had heard of before, but thanks to my misconceptions and reocurring slef diagnosed amnesia, I brushed it off. She insisted that it had changed her baby's life around and in turn hers. However once again forgot and stuck to what I was familiar with: teething tablets, coconut oil, a raspberry paci...all for nothing.  I eventually remembered and decided to research what Mercy had recommended and what I found was not at all what I had thought...
What was it? An amber necklace. Yes, a resin. initial thought was. A resin? Sounds weird. Kinda "far out"((ha!))...but the use and the science behind it completely debunked what I had imagined in my head the entire time.

Meet my BBFF "Amber":

This is RAW Amber (unpolished). It is made of plants (tree resin) and found in the baltic sea (an various other places). It washes up on shore and picked by hand or it is taken from the bottom of the sea! ((COOL!))

This is polished Amber! Same as raw Amber, it is used for many things such as jewelry, perfume, anti-inflammatory, and is an aid to the heart and nervous system! does it work? It is actually very simple...Genuine Baltic Amber contains 8% succinic acid. That acid is said to be released when in contact with human skin. It penetrates the skin and enters the blood stream thus relieving any inflammation, drewling, and pain. The best place to have it on baby in the day time is around the neck where it is close to the salivary glands. When sleeping, you can place the necklace around the ankle so that continuous warm skin contact is taking place.

So after I finally ordered my necklace and got it just two days later,  I immediately placed it on him. He briefly noticed it and continued to play. That night and for two nights in a row, he slept 12 hrs straight! Can I get a halleluya somebody?! He has had little to no drewling and is much less fussy. Mercy was right after all...

Many mamas have asked about the safety of these necklaces as they are for babies and toddlers and could potentially pose a risk. In my personal experience, I have never been afraid of the necklace. Yeshua is constantly supervised and when he is not (bed time and naps) the necklace is used as an anklet. There are many companies out there that sell these necklaces but not all necklaces are made the same. For example, on Yeshua's necklace, each piece of amber is knotted at the top and bottom. That is done so that in the rare occasion that the necklace should break the pieces will not all fall off the necklace and pose a choking hazard. Will one fall off? Yes. One piece will fall off so it is important to monitor your child when they are wearing the necklace/anklet. Also, his necklace will break if it experiences any unusually high tension. Again...DO NOT put your child to sleep with it around their neck. If your child likes to pull at things and break things, many of my friends have found it useful to put the necklace on the ankle and place the child in a sleep sack to avoid any possible hand contact from the baby during the night.

I am so very grateful for this amazing resin that has helped both mommy and baby have better days and nights! I love that I don't ever have to pump meds into his body to make him feel better either; this necklace is a miracle worker!
If you are wondering where you can get one just hit this link and it will redirect you to Amber Baby LLC. This shop where I got Yeshua's necklace! It has such beautiful colors and styles to choose from and you are guaranteed to have authentic amber as many people are selling plastic as genuine amber.

You will also get a 10% discount when you use the coupon code: BLOG10
This is only available for Beautifully Blemished subscribers! Wahoo! They also have FREE shipping! Double wammy!

I got Yeshua the "RAW" style necklace in the color Jaime. I love the way it looks on him! He looks like a little surfer baby...

Maybe he will ride the waves like daddy one day!

Here is Yeshua's good friend Bella. She is wearing a polished necklace in the "Reese" color!

And here is baby Maddox! Turns out he is teething early so his mama got him a necklace to help soothe  his little gums and help with the FOUR teeth that are coming in! 

Amber necklaces are wonderful for babies and kids for all ages as they are light in weight and very durable! I am so glad we got ours! Go get your today! You won't regret it!
Sending up prayers for all those mama's with teething babies (cause I know it can be tough!)!

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