Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Strange But True: Breast Milk, Boogers, & Probiotics

A few months ago, Yeshua was crazy congested. Like, not 'Oh he's got some boogers'...No..Like, 'Holy moly. The dude has some serious boogers'. We usually use the saline spray and have to pin him down on the floor and hear him screaming and crying but I discovered something new! Instead of saline, which I know tastes terrible and may even be burning the inside of his nose...why not breast milk? For those of you who nurse... Have you ever been nursing and noticed milk dropping from your baby's nose accompanied with some mucus? (For those of you who are totally grossed out by this, it really isn't as bad as it sounds...I promise!) So as I was reading my new all time favorite book by Kate Tietje   "A Practical Guide to Children's Health", she explained that breast milk breaks down the mucus in a baby's nose! How cool is that?! It was one of those..I knew that! But I didn't really KNOW that, moments...

So how in the world would you get breast milk in a baby's nose you might ask? You would either have to have tremendosly good aim OR...Well, you will have to milk yourself. hahaha! Yes, seriously... (or use a breast pump)I use a small microwave safe saucer and before I use it I sanitize it in the microwave (place in the micro for about 2 min). Make sure the plate is completely cooled off. Then I get a syringe and suck up the expressed milk. You really don't need much cause baby's nose is still tiny. Squirt the milk up the baby's nose (do both sides) and with an aspirator, suck the milk and boogies out. It's that simple and works much better than the saline spray.
Something else that I like to do when he is experiencing heavy nasal congestion is to mix the breast milk with a children's probiotic that you can find at your local health food store. The probiotic will kill off the bad bacteria and promote the virus killing bacteria which in turn will shorten the cold. It is also recommended to give your child (and yourself) a daily dose of probiotics (preferably at night when your stomach can properly absorb the probiotic) to keep you healthy and cold free!

*Side note: Yeshua had major issues with the bulb aspirator. No matter how gentle I was with it, it would always make him bleed. So I looked into an alternative and found The Nose Frida! It doesn't go in the nose but rather stays just out side of the nose. He screams and cries just the same (we discovered that he hates the feeling of air coming out of his nose) but it is much gentler on his little nose and he doesn't bleed. And yes for some it may look or sound kinda gross to suck your kids boogers out. But your mouth goes no where near the boogers and it has a filter to catch bacteria! Win! Win!*

With flu season and cold season still in bloom, this idea may be a life saver...you may want to at least consider it and/or try it out and see what a HUGE difference it makes! 


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